
Diablo 2 how much resistance does treachery give
Diablo 2 how much resistance does treachery give

Your Mercenary and Minions teleport with you, Traps do not. Teleport is not obstructed by walls or other impediments but can fail if your cursor is not completely passed those impediments when cast.The game tries to to place you within a small radius around your cursor even if it would be impeded normally. Teleport instantly moves you to a selected square on the visible screen in which you can stand.* Skills that do NOT utilize either FCR or IAS It is only used in the Hydra hybrid variant. It is only used in the Frozen Orb hybrid variant.įire Mastery * boosts the Fire Damage dealt by your Fire Skills.

diablo 2 how much resistance does treachery give

Lightning Mastery * boosts the Lightning Damage dealt by your Lightning Skills.Ĭold Mastery * boosts the Cold Damage dealt by your Cold Skills by piercing their Cold Resistances. This is a great investment for this build, especially paired with Energy Shield. Warmth * gives you some passive Mana Regeneration. Ranged monsters are not affected by this at all. Telekinesis also reduces the Mana consumed from energy shield with each Skill Point.įrozen Armor * protects your Character with an icy armor that freezes enemies who use melee attacks on you. It applies Knockback to non-Boss mobs and keeps them stunned.

diablo 2 how much resistance does treachery give

It can be used on your Stash, Waypoints, Portals, and utility items (Potions, Scrolls, etc.). Telekinesis * allows you to interact with objects from a distance to save time. This is what gives the Sorceress its huge advantage early on. Teleport * lets you cover large distances over almost any gap or wall on the map. Energy Shield * uses your Mana pool to reduce a percentage of incoming damage to your Life pool.

Diablo 2 how much resistance does treachery give