
Bitwarden docker image
Bitwarden docker image

We have a lot of similar software available, and the vast majority is easier to install without unnecessary additional stuff. Thank you for your reply, but still the idea of the problem I am writing about is missed. I don’t want to diminish the value or quality of the software, but installation is also part of using the software, and problems at this stage affect the overall image of the quality of the software. Why cannot make working instructions, even via docker but Working to deploy in 10 minutes? With no strange security requrements, with default user(s) and working out of the box? I not discovered other ways to create only one account for me. No info how create create request via dns response, or generate own cert by hand offline. Why? Need https, but proxy server image rquite create LetsEncryp cert, but this as You know not work when i not have open ports. No error, no other info - not work at all. When i click create account yhen Option “Create account” not working. My network is available via OpenVPN, no other ways. How i can add users from admin page when only available oprion is “Send invitationa” via non existing smtp server? I not want internet version - only local password database. Problems which i have is from docker image.

Bitwarden docker image